Bloody History Of Communism
PART 1 Bloody History Of Communism
Part 2 Bloody History Of Communism
Part 3 Bloody History Of Communism
Communism was the bloodiest ideology that caused more than 120 million innocent deaths in the 20th century. It was a nightmare which promised equality and justice, but which brought only bloodshed, death, torture and fear. This three-volume documentary displays the terrible savagery of communism and its underlying philosophy. From Marx to Lenin, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot, discover how the materialist philosophy transforms humans into theorists of violence and masters of cruelty.
(There are a few references to the koran you should ignore but otherwise this is a good video series on how darwin evolution theory influenced communism. Communists think of people as nothing more than animals to be slaughtered. Socialists only want people to work in communes and own no private property. Communists like the present obama administration want to totally control your life through a centralized control called a dictatorship.
The truth about socialists ie communists is not taught in schools but it is available here. Pay attention to the part 3 about the red guards and the murders they committed.) Story Reports
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