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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Another obama regime lie about obamacare

Administration fears part of health care system so flawed it could bankrupt insurance companies Read Below
Taxpayers have to bail out health insurance companies in the increasingly likely event that ObamaCare leaves them with financial losses. Washington’s authority for this bailout was buried deep inside ObamaCare, in the law’s section 1342. This provision authorized what are known as risk corridors that limit the amount of profit insurers could extract from the program and, most significantly, limit their losses.
(Did ya get that bubba? The FRAUD who call himself "obama" is telling you he "fears" the government will bankrupt insurance companies. The FRAD obama is NOT telling you that insurance companies are "INSURED" by obamacare via section 1342.

This provision authorized what are known as risk corridors that limit the amount of profit insurers could extract from the program and, most significantly, limit their losses.

Its just another obama "head fake". The federal government is CORRUPT and the obama regime thugs are running "protection rackets" via obamacare for insurance companies!)
Story Reports
Obamacare INSURES insurance companies from any loss via taxpayers
What is a protection racket?

A protection racket is a scheme whereby a criminal group provides protection to businesses through coercetion outside the sanction of the law. Through the credible threat of coercetion, the racketeers deter people from swindling, robbing, injuring, sabotaging or otherwise harming their clients. Protection rackets tend to appear in markets where the police and judiciary cannot be counted on to provide legal protection, either because of incompetence (as in weak or failed states) or illegality (black markets).

(Obamacare is a "legal" black market run by obama to extort money.) Story Reports

(A protection racket scheme by another name is obamacare. The criminal fraud obama provides "protection" via obamacare to insurance companies through the threat of backrupting because not enough people sign up or the system of obamacare does not function.

Insurance companies know they will not be backrupted because they are protected via obama's protection racket. Insurance companies pay the thug obama money to offer insurance polices on exchanges. Insurance companies have protection because they have paid into the protection racket scheme.

Bubba wake up.)
Story Reports

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