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Friday, June 14, 2013

There are millions of people in the US who know obama is a liar and is under the influence of the father of lies

Latest Statistics on Illegitimate Births

The latest figures on births in the United States, Oct 2012, including out-of-wedlock births. The numbers are very close to last year’s: 72.3 percent of non-Hispanic blacks are now born out-of-wedlock; 66.2 percent of American Indians/Alaska Natives; 53.3 percent of Hispanics; 29.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites; and 17.2 percent of Asians/Pacific Islanders. That’s 40.7 percent overall: a disaster.


(The amnesty bill will only increase the above statistic. The politicians only see potential voters. Obama see's saul alinsky's principle coming to pass.

With the massive influx of relatives the bill allows comes even more doom. Obama and his comrades know this. The obama regime's propaganda machine is telling the public via the "state run media" positive things about the amnesty for illegal aliens. The low info voter of course believes the lies of obama.

The rino republicans are backing obama I suspect because they are getting big bucks from corporations etc to push the doom of America to a closer date.

Also the amnesty bill gets obama out of the news about the IRS scandal etc etc. Our "government" is corrupted and like Rush Limbaugh has said is being taken over by an obama coup d'état.

There are millions of ignorant people in the US that will allow obama to tell his lies thinking they are hearing the truth.

There are millions of people in the US who know obama is a liar and is under the influence of the father of lies.) Story Reports

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