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Monday, December 13, 2010

The "fruit of Selma" Death Panels Fraud Legislation Has Been Ruled Unconstitutional

(The "fruit Of selma" aka barack hussein obama was adopted by Americans because of the DNC "Creative drafting" used to conjure up the HOAX called obama and sell his facade, a superficial appearance or illusion of something created, to deceive Americans. "Obamacare" was also creative drafting designed to circumvent the US Constitution.) Story Reports

The HOAX called obama explained and exposed.

The "obamacare" plan was adopted by Congress, whose members admitted they did not read the thousands of pages of new requirements, limits and restrictions before their vote.

Lawyers for the state of Virginia, which brought the challenge to the federal law, argued Washington could not demand that someone buy a service or pay a penalty for not doing so.

The judge's ruling said the dispute was not about regulating insurance – or even a universal health insurance.

"It's about an individual's right to choose to participate," the judge said.

"This decision guts Obamacare and represents a decisive and significant victory for America against the largest power-grab by the federal government in U.S. history. The court correctly concluded that forcing someone to buy health insurance is not economic activity and that Congress does not have that authority under the Commerce Clause".

"Creative drafting [has] never been sufficient to offset an absence of enumerated powers," U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson continued. "It is not the effect on individuals that is presently at issue – it is the authority of Congress to compel anyone to purchase health insurance. An enactment that exceeds the power of Congress to adopt adversely affects everyone in every application."

("Creative drafting" was used to conjure up the HOAX called obama and sell his facade, a superficial appearance or illusion of something created, to deceive Americans.) Story Reports

There is absolutely no authority in the Constitution that would allow the federal government to force every person to purchase a particular kind of health insurance.

"The individual mandate at the heart of Obamacare puts the federal government in the business of forcing you to buy health insurance and taxing you if you don't. This is unwise, unaffordable, and as we have argued all along, unconstitutional. If Washington thinks it can get away with this kind of power grab, it will think it can do anything," Boehner said.

"No one should be forced to pay for an unconstitutional federal takeover of health care that will funnel taxpayer dollars into the pockets of abortionists and lead inevitably toward death panels for the elderly and infirm.

Congress showed blatant disregard for the Constitution, and that’s the pivotal issue here," said Alliance Defense Fund Senior Counsel Steven H. Aden.

There is nothing more extreme than having a federal government that refuses to abide by the laws that we the people of the several states delegated to it in the Constitution.

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