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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obama Future Executive Order Is A Lie

Obama Executive Future Executive Order Is A Lie

Consulted legal experts on the specific idea of resolving the abortion funding problems in the Senate bill through executive order have stated health legislation creates a statutory requirement for abortion funding, unless Congress clearly forbids such funding. That is why the Hyde amendment was needed in 1976, to stop Medicaid from funding 300,000 abortions a year. The statutory mandate construed by the courts would override any executive order or regulation.

Only a change in the law enacted by Congress, not an executive order would stop the federal government from funding abortion.

Obamacare requires federal funds for abortion.

Obama cannot override his own obamacare abortion bill through executive order because he cannot overide a law written by congress to provide for federal abortions through taxpayer money. The statutory mandate construed by the courts would override any executive order or regulation.

(I know many people don't want their tax money pay for the "legal murder of babies". I don't want any of the tax money I pay to the government being used for "legalized murder". It is amazing to me that fellow Americans would vote to use taxpayer money to kill the unborn. Anyone who votes for obamacare is not just a traitor to America but also a murderer. They are stealing taxpayer money to murder the unborn. They are also at the same time going to murder the elderly because of medicare cuts and various committiees in obamacare that will determine who gets health care in the future. Obamacare is a modern day concentration camp. It is a concentration camp for all American's. Obama's hand picked chosen at his nod through obama will live. Those that he deems unworthy of live as hitler did will die without health care. Obama is truly a traitor and a murderer. Instead of putting a gun to your head he will point you away from medical care when you need it to die a slow death.) Story Reports

There are some in congress who are stupid enough to believe the obama lie.


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