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Friday, October 9, 2009

What obama doesn't want you to know. If Obama doesn't like what you are doing he can TAKE YOUR GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE AWAY.

Section 141, health choices commissionor act, the government can disenroll ANY INDIVIDUAL, and employers with $250000.00 gross income. This is how obamacare will control people and employers. This is FASCISM!

If Obama doesn't like what you are doing he can TAKE YOUR GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE AWAY! Obama will use this to coerce and control citizens of the US. This is FASCISM. This is dictatorship and complete control.

Obama will have complete control over your "health care" in that he, the government, can disenroll you from government health care. He can hang you out to dry. He will. He is a traitor and an imposter.


Betsy McCaughey Exposes Obama Healthcare Lies

If obama forces government health care on America it will enable him the IMPOSTER to control your individual life through OBAMACARE which is just a sly way to control your every move. This is FASCISM. This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This so called obamacare bill is a death mandate also for millions. This is for real. Is obama evil? YES!. Is he a destroyer, YES! Does he want to kill you through his obamacare YES!

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