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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama Doublespeak

We hear and read doublespeak every day, but what, exactly, is doublespeak? Webster's dictionary defines doublespeak with these words: evasive, ambiguous, high-flown language intended to deceive or confuse. Doublespeak is not an accident or a "slip of the tongue." Instead, it is a deliberate, calculated misuse of language.

Specific Attributes of Doublespeak

* misleads............Obama
* distorts reality..........Obama
* pretends to communicate............Obama
* makes the bad seem good..................Obama
* avoids or shifts responsibility.................Obama
* makes the negative appear positive.....................Obama
* creates a false verbal map of the world.......................Obama
* limits, conceals, corrupts, and prevents thought....................Obama
* makes the unpleasant appear attractive or tolerable.......................Obama
* creates incongruity between reality and what is said or not said................Obama

Several forms of doublespeak

Doublespeak can be classified into several different types. Being able to recognize the different forms of doublespeak obama uses can take can help you spot his doublespeak more easily.

words that attempt to soften, hide, or distort reality by putting the thing described into a better light, making the object it describes sound less frightening, less threatening, or less offensive.

Examples of Euphemisms

* categorical inaccuracy or terminological inexactitude: a lie
* constructive dismissal, voluntary severance, vocational relocation, or career assignment and relocation: fired or laid off the job
* senior citizen or the chronologically advantaged: old

jargon specialized language used by a particular professional, trade, or hobby group; this specialized language used in discourse with lay audiences; overly-complex terms used to impress others. Obama uses the teleprompter for this.

Examples of Jargon

* organoleptic analysis: the act of smelling something
* fused silicate: glass
* distributionally conservative notions: conservative economic policies

gobbledygook many long, sophisticated words (think "gobs of words") used in long, convoluted sentences to confuse the audience and hide the real issue of the discourse

Example of Gobbledygook
Here's a classic piece of gobbledygook from Alan Greenspan. (It's OK to laugh when you read this. As Lutz mentions, if we all laughed at statements such as these, perhaps the people making the statements would be forced to quit.)

It is a tricky problem to find the particular calibration in timing that would be appropriate to stem the acceleration in risk premiums created by falling incomes without prematurely aborting the decline in the inflation-generated risk premiums.

inflated language puffed-up, important-sounding words used to give commonplace things and events an elevated, glowing appearance

Examples of Inflated Language

* negative patient care outcome: the patient died
* mental activity at the margins: insanity
* reutilization marketing yard: junkyard

Example of Mixed Doublespeak

Sometimes the line between euphemism, jargon, and inflated language becomes blurred, as the following paragraph taken from Lutz's Doublespeak shows:

Teachers are "educators" these days, or "classroom mangers," or "learning facilitators" who possess effective "instructional delivery skills" which they demonstrate in "microteaching sessions." Teaching is called the "learning process" and learning is called "adjusted behavior." Students don't study, they spend "time on task" in their "learning environment."

When jargon is used to show off to others or to hide meaning or to deceive, that usage is clearly doublespeak. When euphemism is used not to be tactful or polite, but to hide meaning or deceive, that usage is clearly doublespeak. This is the obama forte. David axelrod writes the obama speeches and the dummy obama, a person secretly in the service of another, deceives the general public about nationalized health care.

Doublespeak Corrupts Thought

The language we hear and use in our everyday lives influences us and helps shape our opinions to a greater degree than we probably realize. If the language we hear and read is corrupt and misleading, it will corrupt and mislead our thought processes. (This is the Obama plan to deceive the nation. He as the puppet of axelrod purposefully corrupts and misleads the public to decieve. He must not reveal he is centralizing his power through legislation and commizars who answer only to him. He is increasing the power of the presidency though stealth. He must ram though the health care bill now or his socialist agenda will not be fully implemented)

Doublespeaks Influence through the state run media

The words we use to ask questions or to label an issue will influence our actions or alter the way we see the issue.

Are you in favor of welfare? No? Then how about assistance to the poor?

Do you think the US should spend more on the military? Or would you rather support the national defense?

Are you in favor of foreign aid? Well, how about assistance to other countries?

As you can see from these examples, words are incredibly powerful in shaping our perceptions about issues. Like we learned in English 101, certain words have connotative meanings that overshadow or even alter their denotative meanings.

In the world of doublespeak or obamaspeak, no word is used idly! Each word is carefully chosen, with its particular nuances and shades of meaning, to fulfill the mission of axelrod and the other communists/socialist/facists in congress and the whitehouse.

How Do You Spot Doublespeak?

Even though you know the definition of doublespeak and are familiar with the different forms it can take, you may still have a hard time detecting doublespeak. One way to spot doublespeak and its accompanying insincerity is to ask questions about what is being said.

Ask these questions:

1. Who is saying what to whom?
2. Under what conditions?
3. Under what circumstances?
4. With what intent?
5. With what results?

By asking and answering these questions, you will be able to see the whole context of the discourse.

To analyze any type of discourse, you will need to look at both the speakers and the receivers, the purposes of the speakers and receivers, the language that is normally used in similar situations, and the language that is actually used in a particular situation. Obama speaks different doublespeak to different groups and individuals.

Obama is a lawyer who uses doublespeak to persuade you to believe him. Remember to ask these questions:

1. Who is saying what to whom? Obama speaks in the style you can relate to.
2. Under what conditions? Obama morphs into someone like yourself.
3. Under what circumstances? Obama plays on fear and gullibility
4. With what intent? Obama intent is to allways deceive because he is a FRAUD. He must.
5. With what results? Obama wants complete control of your life though nationalized health care and climate change/global warming agenda for the purpose of centralizing power to seize control of the USA.

He stumbles in speech without a teleprompter because axelrod writes much better doublespeak than obama can utter on his feet.

Question what obama says and does. Double check his doublespeak. You will find obama is a chronic LIAR and a FRAUD! Remember obama is a front man, a salesman for one world government. Obama like any salesman can tell you anything to get you to buy his product. The only thing that counts is what is in writing or the contract. If obama could be taken to court he would be found guilty everyday of PURGURY. Read the contract or bill. Also note he speaks as required to different groups and says completely different things. In doublespeak obama would tell you what you heard was taken out of context etc. If it was not then OBAMA IS A LIAR!

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