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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Three US Postal Receipts for Letters to US Attorney Taylor

Three US Postal Receipts for Letters to US Attorney Taylor?

Posted on April 3, 2009 by naturalborncitizen Atty Leo Donofrio

People are writing to me and claiming that US Attorney Taylor will never touch the eligibility issue to bring a quo warranto challenging Obama’s title to the office of President. Many are also saying that we the people have exhausted all legal options and that we must look outside the Constitution for justice.

I say there is no justice outside of the Constitution and that if you sink to that level of thought the true enemies of the Constitution will have defeated you and it forevermore.

But the people have not even come close to doing everything in their power to see that the Constitution is protected. The Constitutionally proper way to challenge POTUS eligibility is via the DC Code quo warranto statute.


If the option fails then you only have yourselves to blame if you haven’t organized a million letters and a million citizen march to the door of the US Attorney’s office.

I have not seen a response from US Attorney Taylor but that doesn’t mean he’s shut the door on bringing a quo warranto inquiry. I certainly I have not seen a negative response from US Attorney Taylor. He has said nothing publicy either way, so why is everybody giving up on the possibility that our Constitution may be working as we speak?

Did you think US Attorney Taylor would simply make a shotgun decision on something this important? Don’t you think a complete in depth study of quo warranto, the DC Code, and all possible case law would be necessary for the man to properly come to a decision? That takes some time.

Furthermore, how many of you actually wrote to the man? I told you that the prosecutor would need your protection - the protection of an intense public outcry - in order for him do something this controversial. Have you given the prosecutor your protection? Have you written to him?

Three people have written to me and mentioned they have received their green return receipt requested cards proving that their letters were accepted by the US Attorney’s Office. Three people. I’d be willing to bet that the total number of letters sent to US Attorney Taylor is less than 500 and probably much less than that.

I’ve written extensively on quo warranto and I’ve made the case that the statute is the only possible means by which the POTUS eligibility issue will ever be resolved. But the people don’t seem to really care enough to contact the US Attorney… so why should the US Attorney believe that this nation will support a decision to challenge Obama?

Based upon the lack of public outcry and the vehement language of hatred used by so many people who comment on the Obama eligibility issue, if I were the US Attorney I’d probably conclude that these advocates are simply partisan instigators concerned with their own political views and not concerned with an objective concern for the Constitution and the nation at large.

If you don’t have the numbers, you won’t get the result you’re looking for. It’s that simple. Those who are advocating methods and tactics which violate the Constitution have not done everything in their power to use the Constitutional and legal methods available. You are just as much an enemy of the Constitution as any other thug.

If every person who was troubled by Obama’s eligibility wrote a letter to US Attorney Taylor and got on the same page, perhaps there might be enough of a public outcry for the US Attorney to move on this issue. But the forces are split up and divided. Much of this has been intentional and many have been duped.

You flock to sensational muckrakers spewing emotional diatribes and irrelevant judicial maniacal madness… and you will get what you sow in the end.

I invite anyone to utilize the letter below to US Attys Eric H. Holder Jr. and Jeffrey A. Taylor This is an example of a letter to send to the US Attorneys who can force Obama to produce proof of who he is! Send letters to Attorney Eric H. Holder and Jeffrey A. Taylor demanding action on quo warranto

Subject: Quo Warranto: Is Obama eligible? Not since Slavery; an Issue so Volatile!
To: “Eric H. Holder Jr.”,
“Jeffrey A. Taylor”

U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.
United States Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney Jeffrey A. Taylor
United States Attorney’s Office

Dear U.S. Attorney General Holder:
U.S. Attorney Taylor:

Apart from whether there is a legal basis for questions re the eligibility of Barack Obama – other considerations beg for your timely intercession via the Quo Warranto statue. Over the past twelve months the U.S. Constitution has been bypassed, questioned, dismissed, mocked and violated from several perspectives. Consider:

1) Senator McCain is not a “natural born citizen” (nbc) because, as he admits, he was born either in Colon , Panama or on a U.S. military base nearby, and neither is American soil. Yet, in April 2008 the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a resolution declaring John McCain to be an nbc, but this holds no legal value whatsoever much less any Constitutional merit. All Senators knew this, proceeded anyway and insulted every American.

2) It is conceivable the Supreme Court could, someday, make a ruling that declares children born to U.S. military parents serving overseas will, henceforth, be viewed as if born on American soil. But this question (case) must be posed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Quo Warranto process might well become the means to do so.

3) President Obama asserts he was born in Hawaii , but his only proof is the website posting of his certificate-of-live-birth. This may be correct, but a website is devoid of legal value, plus a COLB is not the primary document. Also, Mr. Obama admits his father never was a U.S. citizen. Mr. Obama’s place-of-birth is a simple fact, but never verified. His father’s non-citizen status requires judicial interpretation regarding its effect on a ruling re “natural born citizen.” Both are required to declare Obama eligible per the U.S. Constitution.

4) Granted, Hawaiian officials, on October 31, did state they had Obama’s birth documentation on file per applicable policies. However, they did not state he was born in Hawaii , and Hawaiian law in 1961 permitted a child born anywhere to be recorded in their state. The COLB cannot resolve these specifics, but the primary document (long-form of his birth certificate) can. Obama can easily authorize its release, but he has not.

5) Every President in American history was born to parents who were BOTH citizens. The one exception, Chester Arthur, as the VP candidate in 1880 (later made President) intentionally deceived America regarding his non-citizen father. Why have we now turned a blind-eye to the very same issue with Obama?

6) Members of the U.S. Military, active & retired, have questioned whether President Obama meets Constitutional requirements to be their Commander in Chief. These challenges have begun to threaten and erode the military chain-of-command. I cannot imagine a more precarious scenario for America ’s security, domestically and internationally.

7) A Florida Congressman has proposed legislation requiring presidential candidates, as of 2012, to submit their birth certificate as a prerequisite to initiating a campaign. A nice idea, but it does not address – on its own – the Constitutional requirements regarding “natural born citizen.” Furthermore, such a check cannot be legislated because nbc has not yet been defined by any court as it pertains to presidential qualifications.

8 - Some view Louisiana Gov. Jindal to be a potential presidential candidate, but is he a natural born citizen? How can he or his supporters ever know? How can any future candidate for the Presidency know? Jindal, similar to Obama, reflects the ever more multi-cultural mix of American politicians; hence another compelling reason to address this now.

9) Countless individuals have made enumerable postings in numerous online blogs. Their writings show that many people see absolutely no difference between the terms “citizen” and “natural born citizen” as used within the U.S. Constitution. Sad, but hardly surprising since a clear legal distinction seems to have been nebulous. However …

10) Recent legal research has built an impressive case that asserts “natural born citizen” means a person born on American soil to parents who were both U.S. Citizens at the time of their child’s birth. (Ref. Compelling though this may be; it holds little merit until adjudicated. History will view us poorly if we ignore these new findings. Quo Warranto is the only Constitutional means for an inquiry.

The foregoing has resulted in ever greater upset and confusion across this Great Land . I can only imagine the confusion it causes internationally. This confusion is not going away and will only get worse. This has gone beyond matters of “the law” and is being driven by passion causing grave concern for many Americans. We ignore this at our peril, for the Constitution is our foundation.

While emotional – it can be resolved legally; in fact it’s only possible to do so within our nation’s judicial framework. You two gentleman have been vested, by Congress, with the authority to initiate action via the Quo Warranto statute. Not since slavery has a matter this volatile come to the fore in America . It took a war to resolve that matter, and civil it was not! In the months leading up to our Civil War, leaders – so-called – on both sides arrogantly declared the looming conflict would spill no more blood than what a single handkerchief could absorb. Five years later nearly 600,000 Americans lay dead; in addition, this horrific 1860’s conflict still reverberates, to some degree, within our body-politic today – despite the passage of 150 years.

The matter of Obama’s eligibility places a huge burden upon each of you, but it is one America needs you to step-forward and assume – and both of you are needed to minimize the political rhetoric. I most respectfully implore you to do so. Thank you for considering my request.

Very sincerely and most respectfully yours,

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