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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The United States of America will shortly be known as the USSA United Socialist States of America.

Obama and his useful IDIOTS are changing the USA into the USSA (United Socialist States Of America

(A Georgia Gentleman // Feb 7, 2009 at 9:57 am)

Maybe one should open a history book, going back to the 1860’s, and take a look at the war of Northern oppression ( commonly called the “Civil War” ). Might it really needed to be termed the War of federal oppression.

Might we not need to stop at ascension of State sovereignty, and continue on to a
possible thought of succeeding from a union of states, governed by an oppressive
socialist regime, which is hell bent on destroying the United States of America,
and reducing OUR country to another communist government controlled , state owned gulag for those, once of a free nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.

We might only need to turn to the history of communism, and to the writings of Karl Marx , and the communist manifesto, to understand the new demoncratic plan of federal governance of all people, business and institutions, all state governments included, that is now in motion in the chambers of the house, senate, and in the office of the presidency.

They socialists inside the beltway are moving quickly to consolidate their power, and once consolidation is complete, the power will only be to the federal government, and the states now will be totally subservient to federal control. The will of the people will only bring on the imprisonment,(the useful idiots) and deaths of those who will question the authority of the federal government, this as seen in every instance where socialism and communism has come to power.

The lead in to this can currently be seen in the attack by the socialists in the federal government on the free speech of the people through dissent of the current
activities of the new socialist congress, senate, and office of the presidency. If the people, and the states allow this cancer to spread, and consolidate its power, the United States of America will shortly be known as the USSA. United Socialist States of America.

To keep and bare arms is not limited to just fire arms, it is an all inclusive statement. Shall not infringe is an all inclusive command, Look it up. Therefore no state and no federal gun laws are valid. Shall not infringe is an absolute prohibition to writh any laws pertaining to ones self defense choice of weapons. Some may be great with a sword other are excellent with a bow and arrow, you can not qualify what arms are, because anything can be used as a weapon.

Plain and simple no gun laws or any kind of weapons laws are valid and are in fact a crime against the constitution which is defined as an act of High Treason. This exactly what it boils down to, all government agencies state and federal are violating the constitution which under the laws voids the authority they attempt to exercise. A direct violation of their oath of office and an inpeachable criminal offense.

Until the constitution is restored and all of the unconstitutional laws on the books are repealed, government does not exist legitimately. (ie Obama is illegitimate or a bastard) They are in breech of contract and have self terminated any authority we gave by consent. We as individuals have to answer to the law and government is required to do the same or there is no constitution and therefore no authority to be governed. This is the way the writers of the constitution menat it to be, read their notes!

We must understand Marxism for what it is. “Father Karl” himself laughed at the idea that he had propounded an economic theory. The Communist Manifest sums itself up as “the abolition of private property.” Read correctly, it is the destruction of private property.

THE book exposing this from his Marx’ own writings in by the late Rev. Richard Wurmbrand , The title is Marx & Satan, and is available from Voice of the Martyrs US website for a mere $5. (Marx & Obama)

On the real economic side, we have Keynesian economics. John Maynard Keynes explained the real intent himself in his book The Economic Consequences of the Peace:

“”By a continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate secretly and unobserved an important part of the wealth of their citizens. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction - and does it in a manner in which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”

( I would agree with this, "one man in a million". I am the one man in a million. Become aware of Obama and he fellow communists and reason why you are seeing the daily destruction of the US economy and its financial system! You could be the next "one man in a million".)

We must end the Fed and its fiat currency. We must assert states’ rights. We must elect Constitutionalists. And we must do it, however small a minority freedom-lovers may be. As George Washington said. “Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest may repair. … The event is in the hand of God.”

We must assert states’ rights!
You may not have heard much about it, but there’s a quiet movement afoot to reassert state sovereignty and stop the uncontrolled expansion of federal government power. Almost half of the state legislatures are considering or have representatives preparing to introduce resolutions which reassert the principles of the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution and the idea that federal power is strictly limited to specific areas detailed in the Constitution and that all other governmental authority rests with the states.

The founding fathers believed in a balance between state and federal power. This state sovereignty movement clearly arises from the belief that the balance of power has tilted too far and for too long in the direction of the federal government and that it’s time to restore that lose balance.

The emergence of this movement is a hopeful sign of the people asserting their rights and the rights of the states and finally crying “enough” to runaway government. With the threat of increasingly out of control federal spending, some of these sovereignty bills may stand a fair chance of passage in the coming year.

These sovereignty bills are not the first step towards secession or splitting up the union, nor are they an effort to block collection of the income tax, appealing though that might be. For the most part, they are not so much political statements of independence as they are expressions of fiscal authority directed specifically at the growing cost of unfunded mandates being placed upon the states by the federal government. Despite the movement picking up steam as he came to office, the target of these bills is not "President" Obama, but rather the Democrat-dominated Congress whose plans for massive bailouts and expanded social programs are likely to come at an enormous cost to the states.

What this movement is most similar to is the Nullification Crisis of 1832 where the State of South Carolina asserted that it had the right to nullify the authority of federal laws within its borders. In this case the states are not asserting anything as broad as the Doctrine of Nullification, but are merely reasserting the limits which the 10th Amendment places on federal authority, specifically as it applies to spending, the idea being that they don’t have to pay for federal mandates if their legislators choose not to.

As things stand right now it looks like Oklahoma, Washington, Hawaii, Missouri, Arizona, New Hampshire, Georgia, California, Michigan and Montana will all definitely consider sovereignty bills this year. They may be joined by Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Alaska, Kansas, Alabama, Nevada, Maine and Pennsylvania where legislators have pledged to introduce similar bills. Twenty states standing up to the federal government and demanding a return to constitutional principles is a great start, but it remains to be seen whether legislatures and governors are brave enough or angry enough to follow through. As the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress push for more expansion of federal power and spending that may help provide the motivation needed for the sovereignty movement to take off.


Date Body Action Description with journal page number
2/12/2009 House Introduced HJ-6
2/12/2009 House Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial
Resolutions HJ-6
2/18/2009 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Haley
2/19/2009 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Clemmons
2/24/2009 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Horne, Wylie,
Huggins, Allison, Parker, A.D.Young, Millwood,
Simrill, Willis, Herbkersman
2/24/2009 House Committee report: Favorable Invitations and Memorial
Resolutions HJ-8
2/25/2009 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Cato
2/25/2009 Scrivener's error corrected
2/26/2009 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Littlejohn,
J.R.Smith, Hiott, Erickson
2/26/2009 House Adopted, sent to Senate [emphasis added]

South Carolina now joins Oklahoma as having officially passed a 10th Amendment-based resolution through their respective House chambers.

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