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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Air Car (A cool idea that is real)

How The Air Engine Works
Technical Details about this cool car
TATA Motors Press Release
This sounds like a great idea but after reading about it I found there are only 3 prototypes and they only get 7 miles in trials so far. It seems like an interesting concept. Says it takes about 5 hours to compress the air at 230 volts. Even so this would be cheaper than gas. I can see this possibly working for short commuting distances about 25 miles maybe. I drive about 30 a day so if this thing could be charged up for 110 miles like it says, all I would have to do is charge it up every couple of days maybe. Another drawback would be how the thing looks but I would not care because running on air would beat running on $3.00 gal gas anytime. Also the price of electricity stays constant. I would buy one if it works and hope I don't get run over by an SUV or something. This sounds like a like of hot air but it is hot air that is worth a try as opposed to Billery and Mcamnesty which is worthless hot air.

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